President’s Message

Dear Aquarist,

Hopefully the frigid months are behind us. The older I get, the more I hate the cold. February was COLD, but our members are hearty and came out to hear Bob Likins of Pet Advocacy Network speak on important issues facing the hobby both here and abroad. Since there was a storm in the forecast, we featured him virtually. He answered a lot of questions at the end of his presentation.

Pet Advocacy Network is a great organization who fights for the fish trade and keeping us up to date. We thank Bob for taking time to enlighten us on the work his of organization.

Our photo contest continues to run, so enter your pictures. You can submit as often and as many as you like. As you know, taking good pictures of your fish is challenging, but showing off your tank can be rewarding. So get your cameras out and start shooting your tanks! The last contest winner, Victor Bevilacqua’s fish are on the cover of this issue of AquaticNews!

This month, March, brings Noah Chesnin of the New York Aquarium to Education Hall to speak to us. Noah will tell us all about the Hudson Canyon which rivals the depth and scale of the Grand Canyon! It’s located only 100 miles off the coast of New York City. Noah is the Director of Policy and Outreach for the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) New York Seascape program and will describe what the New York Aquarium’s conservation and sustainable use is in the Hudson Canyon.

The 50/50 will continue each month, as it has been successful for both the club and our members. Whatever livestock and plants members bring in, we split the proceeds 50/50 for their highest ten bags. This is for livestock only. We have had encouraging feedback from doing this, because it’s a great way to make some money and enjoy breeding your favorite species.

Let us know if you want speakers on a particular aquatic topic. We need our members to be more involved as we are always trying to improve our club. Do you want to tell us about YOUR specialty? Members are encouraged to work up a presentation on their tanks too! So let us know your ideas!

Also consider lending a hand at the meetings. It takes a lot of hard work from our board members to put on an organized, informative and entertaining show every month. Anyone wishing to help out, we will gladly give you something to do.

Remember to visit our Facebook page where we feature items for sale, manufacturers listing, and member’s feedback. We always have tanks and equipment for sale. If you are looking for something aquatic, reach out to us. We probably have it in storage. We can’t bring everything to every meeting!

After the auction ends, please exit the building promptly so clean up can occur. Only board members should be in the buiding after the auction is over. The aquarium security needs to leave at a reasonable time. We must stay on good terms with the Aquarium!

Our sole publication, AquaticNews, will now be published twice a year: Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall. Any hobby or aquatic information you hear or read about, please share with our editor, Ginny Cahill. Please send all emails to Ginny at We are always looking for your contribution on our events and publications!

For more info, please call out hotline 718-837-4455
