BAS Event – “When Aquariums Attack” – Christine Williams, February 11, 2011

This BAS meeting was hosted at the New York Aquarium on February 11, 2011

Title: “When Aquariums Attack”

Speaker/Author: Christine Williams

Event Flyer: Download / View Here

Event Photos

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Event Videos

 event video gallery will be insterted here.


Event Donors


Bill Amely, Mario Bengeion, Dmitri Dementev, Joe Graffagnino, Ginny Grandinetti, Pauline Griffin, Kay Martin Chris Matassa, Steve Matassa, Scott Peters, Dan Puleo, Lisa Quilty, Alex Rivera, Vito Sacchieri, Roger Schillizzi, Charles Stein

Manufacturers / Stores

Aquastar, Brooklyn Zoo & Aquarium, Marks Discus, Pacific Aquarium & Pet, PetQua, Royal Aqua World, Tamco Aquarium & Supplies, Inc.,