President’s Message – November 2017

Dear Aquarist,

Our November event was on a cold night, as low as 23 degrees F., but it was red hot at our BAS meeting with the great Joe Yaiullo as our guest speaker. Joe spoke about his 20,000-gallon Bonsai Reef aquarium. He always provides a great talk and stays after his presentation to answer questions. We spoke with him about taking a bus trip this summer to his Long Island Aquarium and Exposition Center in Riverhead, Long Island where he is the curator. We were able to take a bus trip there a few years ago and everyone had a great time. Not only did Joe give a personal behind-the-scenes tour, but we were able to see his breeding facilities. It was fantastic!

Our auction was a huge hit with over 225 items of tropical plants, marine and freshwater fish species, corals and an extensive array of aquariums, stands, lighting, aquarium products and supplies. Members and friends had a great time. Now that we have a Treasurer, we reinstated our 50/50 deal for livestock for members for 10 lots each. For the months of April and November, we will have a 50/50 for live plants, corals, and fish. Members who participated in the 50/50 will be able to obtain their fair share at the January event.

The next event will be our Holiday Party. No auction or speaker, just good food, good friends and a great time. This year the party will be held at Mama Rao’s Italian Restaurant located on 11th Ave. between 65 & 64 Streets in Brooklyn. Party starts at 8:00 pm. The cost to members is $41 per person; see last month’s Bulletin for details.

If you want to see different speakers and learn about different aquatic systems, fish, plants and marine life, please let me know. The elected officials of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society are here to serve YOU! So let us know what you want and why because it would be helpful to everyone. It is important that you visit and patronize our sponsors. It goes full circle: by helping them, they are also helping you as hobbyists and everyone is helping the Brooklyn Aquarium Society, so help us, help you!

For more info, please call our BAS Hotline at (718) 837-4455, or visit our modern website at

On a more personal note – any member who wants to attend a Board meeting, which are held at Education Hall of the New York Aquarium on the 1st Friday of the month, September through June, please notify me at (347) 277-4793 by the Tuesday before the meeting.

Steven Matassa