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The Case of the Ancistrus Assassin :: BAS Articles

The Case of the Ancistrus Assassin

This strange, twisted and bizarre case of murder and mayhem started about three (3) years ago. I ventured into a tropical fish auction and discovered, much to my delight, a group of five (5) bushy nose Ancistrus up for auction. The fish were approximately 3 inches in length and two (2) of them were sporting their trademark bristles. I have heard from other hobbyists that these fish are easy to breed, maintenance is next to nothing and they will eat anything. I learned later that whoever sold me this “bill of goods” did not have these particular fish in mind.


I said to myself that I must have these little beauties, at almost any cost. I had a nice 20-gallon long, filled with clay pots, ceramic logs and algae covered stones just waiting for this algae eating, hide and seek, catfish. I was also thinking that spawning these fish would give me the fifth (5th) type of catfish or loach spawning that was required for my hobbyist clubs “Breeder Specialist Award. I figured that I could earn some easy BAP (Breeder Award Points) scores and obtain a coveted “Specialist Award” in the process. My greedy little mind started adding up the points these beauties would obtain for me, even though I still didn’t have them yet. I also thought of the great prestige of having the rare “Specialist” award presented to me. This was not just any “Specialist” award; oh no this was for CATFISH! This would be quite an honor. After all, almost anyone could spawn cichlids or livebearers or even propagate plants, but only the best were able to breed CATFISH!


I could hardly contain myself when the group came up to the auction block. The auctioneer started the process by stating how wonderful these fish were and that they would be interesting, if you ever saw them after placing them in an aquarium. He droned on about the only time that you saw them was when they died. He mumbled about they were fussy eaters and defecated a lot. He was not the type of auctioneer I would want to have trying to sell my fish. He was like a screen door salesman for submarines. Anyway the bidding started at $3.00. I immediately wanted to eliminate the competition by making a “jump bid” of $5.00. Well this had the desired effect because no one else bid on them. “Those fools, what were they ever thinking?” “Don’t they realize they are letting these classic beauties slip out of their grasp for “loose change”?” Well their loss is my gain. I immediately paid for them and left for home with my prize bag of future BAP points.


I performed the “drip” method of acclimating these little wonders into their new home. It took several hours, but I didn’t want anything happening to these treasures. They immediately loved their new home. They quickly disappeared under rocks, into caves and hid themselves very effectively. For several months the only time I had the opportunity to see them in action was with the lights out, using a flashlight with a red lens cover on and after feeding algae wafers and frozen zucchini tied to rocks. It was interesting to note that one of the males was pushing out the other male and the females when it came to feeding time, I believed that this was just a “macho” display of bravado to impress the ladies. Little did I realize that this was a small sign of what was to come?


One afternoon I had to move my little family of Ancistrus to a smaller home. I had to move them because of a recent explosion of newborn fry from multiple African cichlids. I needed “grow out” room and I needed it quickly.

I moved the Ancistrus family into a 10 gallon wide, but to compensate I added more hiding places and an additional overflow filter. They seemed content.

Two days later when I returned home from work I went to feed the fish and all the fish were dead, except for one male. The bodies were strewn all over the tank. There were bite marks and blood along with the beat up bodies. I thought that there was breeding or spawning ritual that had gotten out of hand. The lone remaining male refused to come out of his clay pot. I believed that he was either very afraid of what had happened and that he had only gotten caught up into the ecstasy of the spawn or that he was remorseful of what he had done and was seeking solace or penance for his wrongdoing.


I let a few months go by and when the fry problems resolved themselves I returned the male to his original 20 gallon long. Much to his delight I had obtained, from a local pet shop, a pair of females; one his size and one slightly larger. I figured that they could take care of themselves. All was fine for several months and then I was asked to “loan out” my smaller female ancistrus to a good friend. Now there was only the two of them.


Several months went by with the two fish getting along famously. The male would allow the female near his clay pot and on the wood piece adjacent to his home. He never bothered her. They would eat frozen bloodworms and zucchini together, the seemed like the perfect couple. I could hear the “pitter patter” of little baby ancistrus any day now. The male would be out more eating and seeming to store up food reserves for the soon to come day of nest guarding.


After about a week I went to see how the “newly weds” were behaving and I could not find the female anywhere. The male was in his clay pot and he was not coming out. I finally found the female wedged into a conch shell. She was inside as far as she could go and could not back out. I could not understand why this had happened? I had to resort to using wire cutters to cut her out. She was just barely breathing. She was beaten and bloodied. After I freed her, she died. As I turned her onto her back I noticed a string of yellow eggs still attached to her breeding tube. I assumed that the male was guarding the nest in the clay pot. I saved and froze ten (10) eggs to remind me of this day. I gave the male two weeks. I then investigated the clay pot…. NO EGGS! Why that murdering bastard! He killed again. I realized then and there that there was no saving this evil creature from himself. He only lives for the thrill of killing. I was strongly tempted right then to remove the brute and bounce him off the floor and walls. I then realized that I would be no better than he. I had to think of what justice I could meet out to this sucker-mouthed assassin. There was a fish auction coming up for that weekend. I got an idea!


The Sunday of the auction I woke extra early so I could triple bag my ancistrus. I tossed into the bag a couple of Jungle Labs oxygen tablets and added a mild sedative. I wanted this murdering pescadore healthy but subdued. I arrived at the auction and was about to enter my ancistrus into the bags of fish going to the auction block when I noticed a little boy of about ten (10) years old standing on the side. I asked him what he was doing and he said that he was with his daddy and wanted to bring a fish home for his new tank. I asked his dad what type of fish he was keeping. He said that he has a group of South American cichlids called Heros or Cichlosoma dovii. The dominant male was huge, measuring over two feet in length and beats the hell out of anything going into his domain.


I said “Wow, what a coincidence? I have just the fish for you!” Let your dovii try to beat up on this sucker catfish! This little ancistrus could withstand anything he had to offer and come back for more. The father looked a little skeptical as I showed him the bag my little murderer was in. I said that don’t let size fool you, this little guy was a bundle of dynamite. The father asked his son if this fish would be the one he wanted and the son was overjoyed. The father insisted that in order to have a deal he must make his son pay for the fish. I said that since it is your son’s fish I would let him have it for 10 cents (one cent for each egg I frooze). The boy paid me and I gave him the fish. The ancistrus had what appeared to be a sly smile on his face, probably anticipating the new havoc he would wrought on his unsuspecting tank mates. As I saw the father and son leave with their prize I could help but think that there is justice after all, now that ancistrus will get his butt kicked over and over again. I turned to see the little boy was rapidly jerking the bag to make the fish “move” in the bag, as he walked to the family car. I smiled as I thought that there is a “pay back justice” even for fish.


I left the auction with a bag of whiptail cats. I was now ready for a catfish that seemed to be on tranquilizers. If I get babies great, if not that’s OK also. Be careful the next time you seek out ancistrus catfish, they may contain one that is an ancistrus assassin!

Author: Joe Graffagnino

President’s Message – March 2017

Dear Aquarist,

If you missed our March event, then you missed a fantastic birthday cake. Thanks to Marie and Victoria we had a fishy and aquarium looking 106th birthday cake! Also the author of The Dragon Behind The Glass, Emily Voigt, provided a very informative presentation of her expeditions to find the ultra rare Asian red arowana, in the wild. She had assistance along her journey from such notable aquarists as Tyson Roberts and Heiko Bleher, among others. It was a great presentation and well received by our members.

Next month, we welcome back Todd Gardner, whose topic for the evening shall be Long Island, NY: An unlikely hotspot for marine ornamental. Todd’s discussion will be about catching saltwater fish right off of our local beaches. Todd has spoken at our club many times in the past and always gives a great talk.

As always, we will have free parking and refreshments. There are sure to be great items available, but they do go quick.

In response to your requests, we have changed our routine. Doors open at 7:30 pm, for viewing of auction items. The speaker will go on at 8:00 pm and last for one hour, so be on time. Our auction will commence within 15 minutes after the speaker concludes, with the goal of having the meeting conclude earlier than it has in the past.

We would like to thank our members and our sponsors for their constant generous donations that keep us going. Anyone who has any aquatic items, supplies or equipment, which would include healthy livestock of fish, corals or plants, we always welcome the donation.

If anyone has any topics they want to hear an expert speak on, or any specific speaker, please tell us.

Steven Matassa

President’s Message – February 2017

Dear Aquarist,

Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Anniversary to the BAS! The cold and snow of February got a heat wave in the form of our speaker, Patrick Donston, whose topic for the evening was “Biodiversity Practices for Reef & Planted Exhibits.” Patrick has spoken here many times and always comes up big to a packed house. He graced our club again this month and, as always, gave a great talk. He is definitely one of my favorite speakers. For those who don’t know, he owns Absolutely Fish in Clifton, New Jersey, which is one of the best coral, fish and plant stores you’ll ever see. He continuously has a great assortment of livestock and a knowledgeable staff; it’s definitely worth the trip. Patrick is also a very generous sponsor to our club, and we thank him for his loyal support and donations. He has once again invited the BAS members to come on out to the store in a group this Spring/early Summer, promised to open early to accommodate us, and a larger discount than usual on our purchases.

For March, our guest speaker will be Emily Voigt, the esteemed author of the novel, The Dragon Behind the Glass, a true story of power, obsession and the world’s most coveted fish, who will highlight her search for the Asian red arowana in the wild. An Asian tycoon paid $150,000 for a single arowana. People have been robbed and even murdered in their quest to possess this fish. The date of her talk will be Friday, March 10th at 7:30 pm.
Due to February’s inclement weather, we thought that March would be better for our 106th anniversary celebration. We shall then have a birthday cake for your enjoyment.

In response to your requests, we will be changing our methods starting in March. The speaker will start at 8:00 pm and last for one hour. Our auction will commence within 15 – 20 minutes after the speaker concludes, with the goal of having the meeting conclude earlier than it has in the past.

We would like to thank our members and our sponsors for their constant generous donations that keep us going. Anyone who has any aquatic items, supplies or equipment, and that would include healthy livestock of fish, corals or plants, we always welcome the donation.

If anyone has any topics they want to hear an expert speaker on, or any specific speaker, please tell us.

Steven Matassa

President’s Message – January 2017

Dear Aquarist,

Happy New Year to all! Our first event for 2017 was a rousing success. The snow and ice stopped to allow our guest speaker Michael Barber to present his talk without all of us worrying about the elements. Michael’s talk was titled “Tropical Fish Collecting & Wildlife Expeditions.” He has partnered with our good friend (and a person we know well since he spoke in Brooklyn on several occasions) Ian Fuller, the international corydorus expert. Michael, Ian and others take aquarists on expeditions for collecting South American species, mainly from Peru. Whatever your personal favorite species that you want to collect in the wild, they will take and also ship the specimens back for you. They specialize in catfish, cichlids, killies and characins such as tetras and hatchetfish. For anyone that wants to collect fish and stay in a modern facility with experts in their various fields, then Go Wild Peru is the place to go! Get a group of friends together and contact Michael Barber at I know you will love it!

For February, our friend and sponsor returns – Pat Donston, owner of Absolutely Fish in Clifton, NJ. Pat’s topic for the evening will be “Biodiversity Practices for Reef & Planted Exhibits.” Pat has been our guest speaker many times over the years and is an expert in his field. I know that you will thoroughly enjoy his presentation.
February is also our 106th birthday! On Valentine’s Day, 1911, our forefathers created our great society. Make sure you come down and wish all of us a very happy birthday and many, many more.

Doors open at 7:30. As always, there’s free parking and refreshments. Remember, we can always use help. If anyone wants to help out in any way, please let us know. See me personally or any officer or board member. If anyone has any topics they want to hear expert speakers on, or any specific speaker, please tell us that also.

We would like to thank our members and our sponsors for their constant generous donations that keep us going. Anyone who has any aquatic items, supplies or equipment, and that would include healthy livestock of fish, corals or plants, we always welcome the donation.

Thanks and see you next month!

Steven Matassa


President’s Message – December 2016

Dear Aquarist,

Our December Holiday Party closed out another calendar year at BAS with our annual holiday party at the Bridgeview Diner, and it went off very well. We handed out our awards and certificates for writing articles for our award winning publication Aquatica. We also won many awards from the Federation of American Aquarium Societies (FAAS). We celebrated the acknowledgement of our many sponsors and benefactors; without them we would not exist.

Come January 13, we will have Michael Barber kick off the new calendar year with his talk on “Tropical Fish Collecting & Wildlife Expeditions.” As always, we will meet on the second Friday of the month, and have free parking and refreshments. Doors open at 7:30 pm.

At our January event, we will be raffling off two tickets to the Kingsborough College play that runs between February and May, 2017.

The members voted for where they want to go for a club bus trip. We will be going to the Baltimore Aquarium on a Saturday in either April or May. We will also visit a couple of local fish stores on the return trip. However, we are still working on a price for the trip. Please let us know of your interest so we can investigate costs.

We continue to have several vacant slots for our Officers and Board members. The openings are 1st Vice President, Exchange Editor and Treasurer. Also there are several Board slots open. Having these positions unfilled creates a negative impact on what the club can do for our mem¬bers. As with any organization, less people means less gets done. This is your club and we are asking you to step up and help out. Vacancies in vital positions make a huge difference as to what we can provide to you, our members! Please help out. One thing that we must drop is our 50/50 for livestock at our April and November events since we do not have a Treasurer to coordinate.

Also, if you want to see different speakers and learn about different aquatic systems, fish, plants and marine life, please let me know. The elected officials of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society are here to serve YOU! Let us know what you want and why because it’s helpful to everyone. It is important that you visit and patronize our sponsors. It goes full circle: by helping them, they are also helping you as hobbyists and everyone is helping the Brooklyn Aquarium Society, so help us, help you!

For more info, please call our BAS Hotline at (718) 837-4455, or visit our modern website at

On a more personal note – any member who wants to attend a Board meeting, which are held at Education Hall of the New York Aquarium on the 1st Friday of the month, September through June, please notify me at (347) 277-4793 by the Tuesday before the meeting.

Steven Matassa

Aquarium Bus Trip

In response to members’ request for a bus trip to popular aquariums, we provide this option sheet. The locations are the Boston Aquarium, Baltimore Aquarium or the Riverhead Aquarium. The location with the most votes will be investigated for costs and time factors. These are really great fun day trips, the sort of trip most of us would never do on our own. We leave & depart from NY Aquarium early in the morning and arrive back at the NY Aquarium that evening. The trip is planned for the Spring, on a weekend, either in April or May, 2017. At the November 11 Event we’ll have questionnaires to see what dates would be best for members. The selected location will be announced at our January event, along with the associated costs. Full payment must be received by the March 10th Event.


See Flyer…

2017 American Livebearer Association Convention, May 4-7

2017 American Livebearer Association (ALA) Convention | May 4 – 7 | St. Louis, MO

Welcome to the American Livebearers Association Convention 2017. 

Come enjoy the annual get together of Ovoviviparous and Viviparous fish fans. This year we will have an amazing show! The Missouri Aquarium Society and Gateway Guppy Associates have teamed up to bring you two shows in one convention. That’s right, you will get to see an International Fancy Guppy Association (IFGA) show as well. There will be speakers throughout the weekend giving lectures on the science, husbandry and habitat topics of livebearers wild and domestic. There will be a HUGE vendor’s showroom, silent auction, raffles, the world’s largest livebearer only auction, Friday night box sale, ONE hour fish sale with rare and fancy livebearers, a nightly hospitality room and fish room tours, along with all of the great local attractions St. Louis has to offer.

More info here…


President’s Message – September 2016

Dear Aquarist,

September is the start of another year at BAS, and it kicked off great. This is our 105th year, and we are still growing stronger and larger. With many familiar faces and plenty of new members joining our ranks, we had a great turn out as well as beautiful weather.  Speaking of familiar faces, our very own Joe Graffagnino gave a talk on his new fish room. The talk went over very well, as do most of our talks. Joe was very informative as to what was used and why, along with how he squeezed in tanks in every possible space. It was educational and very interesting on how he walked us step by step through the basement build out of his fish room from beginning to end.

Next month is our Giant Auction, so there is no speaker and no door charge. We will have many rare and hard to obtain livestock for freshwater and marine set ups, including soft and hard corals and plants. As always, free parking and refreshments. Doors open at 7:30pm. Bring your friends and family, as it is always a fun time for all.   See you in October.
Please visit our website where you can read the Bulletin and enjoy a full color Aquatica. The interactive forums and sponsor sections are truly remarkable. Provided you have given us your email address, you will be getting notifications of club events via email.

I am asking for your help and support. We need knowledgeable members to help fill the void for our Society’s officers and Board members. We have several positions open, such as 1st Vice President, Treasurer and Exchange Editor. How will the loss of these positions affect you? We won’t know what our sister clubs are doing without the Exchange Editor; the 1st VP slot is our main coordinator for trips, breeders awards program, photo contest and many other things that our Society is involved with; without our Treasurer, there are no more 50/50 livestock events. Please get involved – by helping us, you are helping yourself and what you have come to enjoy in our club.

If you want to see different speakers or try different things, please let me know. The elected officials of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society are here to serve YOU! Please let us know what you want and why. It would be helpful to everyone.

It is important that you visit and patronize our sponsors. It goes full circle: by helping them, they are also helping you as hobbyists and everyone is helping the Brooklyn Aquarium Society, so help us, help you!

For more info, please call our BAS Hotline at (718) 837-4455.

On a more personal note – Any member who desires to attend a Board meeting (which are held at the Education Center of the New York Aquarium on the 1st Friday of the month, September through June), please notify me at (347) 277-4793 by the Tuesday previous to the meeting.

Steven Matassa

President’s Message – May 2016

Dear Aquarist,

May was a great month for us at BAS, good weather, and a great auction. We were packed to the maximum capacity allowed. The donation tables and aquatic supplies were bustling with excitement. Also, several established vendors displayed their wares at various tables.

Discounted shirts, hats and patches kept the crowds looking for more. The aquatic supply and equipment tables held many hobbyists’ interest. The auction had almost 250 bags of livestock and that was not counting aquariums, lighting and aquatic stands. It was a late night, but our members are worth it.

In June we have Rit Forcier coming up from Florida. Rit’s topic for the evening will be “Goodeid Livebearers.” As always, there will be free parking and refreshments. Doors open at 7:30 pm. Entry is free to all active members, non-members are asked to donate $5.00 at the door to help offset expenses; however, their donation that night is good towards the cost of annual membership. Members receive discounts in most of our sponsoring stores and free entry to all our auctions.

Anyone wishing to donate any healthy livestock (fish, plants or live corals) or dry goods can bring them to any general meeting. Donations are always welcome and appreciated – it’s what keeps your club healthy!

I must ask for our members’ help – Our Treasurer Denise and Board member Stu Hershkowitz are moving to Florida. We need a Treasurer and Board member. Please, if you have experience in accounting, we need your help.

Also if you want to see different speakers and learn about different aquatic systems, fish, plants and marine life, please let me know. The elected officials of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society are here to serve YOU! So please let us know what you want and why because it would be helpful to everyone. It is important that you visit and patronize our sponsors. It goes full circle: by helping them, they are also helping you as hobbyists and everyone is helping the Brooklyn Aquarium Society, so help us, help you!

For more info, please call our BAS Hotline at (718) 837-4455, or visit our modern website at WWW.BROOKLYNAQUARIUMSOCIETY.ORG.

On a more personal note – any member who wants to attend a Board meeting, which are held at Education Hall of the New York Aquarium on the 1st Friday of the month, September through June, please notify me at (347) 277-4793 by the Tuesday before the meeting.

Steven Matassa

President’s Message – April 2016

Dear Aquarist,

Our April event was a great way to welcome Spring — by having a renowned speaker provide a lecture on a fascinating subject. Richard Pierce gave an in-depth talk on mysterious and controversial marine species. His topic for the evening was “Seahorses, Pipefish and Sea Dragons.” He warned our members that these creatures are not easy to keep in captivity. Some of these guys can grow to 18 inches in length. Sea horses can have 1,800 fry in a single spawn. It would be very difficult for a hobbyist to provide a sustainable biotope for these creatures. You must plan this out before seeking to obtain these creatures.

Richard was kind enough to be our speaker for the evening, even though he had an obligation to the NEC for the same weekend. Richard is an officer in the NEC and he took time out from his duties at the convention to fulfill his commitment to BAS. We thank him profusely for that.

In our continuing endeavor to educate our members and fellow aquarists, we had a representative from Hydor speak briefly on new medications for both marine and freshwater fish, so our members got a two for one deal. We hope to continue to bring product and manufacturing representatives to our meetings so our members can learn first hand about their new products and how they can improve the quality of life for aquarists.

As always, we had lots of livestock bags at the auction (we had a 50/50 with our registered members for the evening on donated plants, corals and both freshwater and marine fish), great items at the sponsor tables, and new BAS shirts, hats and club patches. We also had a large assortment of FREE refreshments to keep our members satisfied.
The weather was great; we had a packed house — all in all a great night.

Next month we have our May Giant Auction! No guest speaker, but plenty of fish and dry goods presented for our members and guests. As always, parking and refreshments are free. Doors open at 7:30 pm. Hope to see you there!


Steve Matassa

Inky the octopus escapes New Zealand aquarium.

The great escape: Inky the octopus legs it to freedom from New Zealand aquarium


An octopus has made a brazen escape from the national aquarium in New Zealand by breaking out of its tank, slithering down a 50m drain pipe and disappearing into the sea.

In scenes reminiscent of Finding Nemo, Inky – a common New Zealand octopus – made his dash to freedom after the lid of his tank was accidentally left slightly ajar.

Staff believe that in the middle of the night, while the aquarium was deserted, Inky clambered to the top of his cage, down the side of the tank and traveled across the floor of the aquarium…

read full story here….

President’s Message – March 2016

Dear Aquarist,

Our March event was another BAS milestone –- we are now 105 years and 1 month old. To help us celebrate this unique event, we had to bring in a unique speaker. Sal Silvestri came down from Connecticut and brought with him some old Brooklyn friends that have not graced our door in many, many years, such as Basil Holubis and Artie Platt. Sal spoke a few times in Brooklyn, but it was at least a decade ago. Sal talked about what he knows best, which is Apistogrammas! His topic for the evening was “Breeding and Maintaining Apistogramma genus & other South American Dwarf Cichlids.” He gave a great presentation and spoke about many rare and hard to find species. Sal has a knack for making the hard stuff look and sound easy.

Next month is our April event and we will have Richard Pierce coming from Rhode Island. Richard is a very interesting speaker and has a wide and diverse background in the aquarium hobby. He is into marine fish, killies and cichlids. He is affiliated with many organizations like the Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island and he is an officer in the Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies. In fact, the NEC convention is on the same weekend as our meeting and he will come to our club and then return to his duties at the NEC – WOW, talk about dedication! Richard’s topic for the evening will be “Seahorses, Pipefish and Sea Dragons.” Rich will take the mystery and false rumors away and give the straight talk about raising these amazing creatures in your home aquarium. As always, the meetings will be at the NY Aquarium Education Hall. Doors open at 7:30 PM. And, as always, there is Free Parking and Free Refreshments.

Please visit our website where you can read the Bulletin and enjoy a full color Aquatica. The interactive forums and sponsor sections are truly remarkable. Provided you have given us your email address, you will be getting notifications of club events via email.

I am asking again for your help and support. Our Treasurer Denise and our Board member Stu Hershkowitz are moving to Florida soon, so we will need a new Treasurer and Board member. Please if you have experience in accounting, we need your help. Also, if you want to see different speakers or try different things, please let me know. The elected officials of the Brooklyn Aquarium Society are here to serve YOU! Please let us know what you want and why. It would be helpful to everyone.

It is important that you visit and patronize our sponsors. It goes full circle: by helping them, they are also helping you as hobbyists and everyone is helping the Brooklyn Aquarium Society, so help us, help you!

For more info, please call our BAS Hotline at (718) 837-4455, or visit our modern website at WWW.BROOKLYNAQUARIUMSOCIETY.ORG.

On a more personal note – Any member who desires to attend a Board meeting, which are held at Education Hall of the New York Aquarium on the 1st Friday of the month, September through June, please notify me at (347) 277-4793 by the Tuesday previous to the meeting.
Steve Matassa

President’s Message – February 2016

Dear Aquarist,

February was cold, but a warm month for BAS, since we had a great speaker, Joe Caparatta of Manhattan Aquarium, who packed the house. Joe spoke on a new marine system for reef tanks called the Triton Method. This was not Joe’s first talk at our club and, as always, he was informative.

We also had a great auction, clothing and equipment tables, free refreshments and free parking; a very good deal for all. We at BAS always try to do our best at our events, but if you think we are missing something, we want to hear from you, our members, so please let us know.

Next month we will have Sal Silvestri speaking on “Breeding and Maintaining Apistogramma Genus and other South American Dwarf Cichlids.” Doors will open at 7:30 pm on March 11. For all future events, please check our web site –’

Remember, if not for our local pet store sponsors, BAS would not be able to survive, so please patronize our loyal sponsor stores because they keep us up and running.

If any of our members have a topic they want to hear speakers talk on or have ideas about our events, we want to know about them. We need your feedback to keep our club going strong. Don’t be shy – let us hear from you! Members can contact us at our hotline (718) 837-4455 or visit our web site, where you can find our upcoming events or join our BAS Forum.

The BAS Forum is a great place for your questions and answers, and to buy or sell aquarium items. Members can also bring up new ideas at our Board meeting on the first Friday of the month in the NY Aquarium Education Hall. If you want to attend a Board meeting to help out or just to express your thoughts, you are always welcome. Please call me at (347) 277-4793. You must call by the Tuesday previous to the meeting. The next Board meeting is March 4, 2016. Hope to see you there.


Thanks and see you next month!

Steven Matassa

President’s Message – January 2016

Dear Aquarist,

The new year is here, and we rung it in with our speaker, Jeff Bolbach. Jeff has spoken at BAS before and this time his discussion was great again. Jeff’s presentation was about “Getting Rich Breeding Fish.” Although It was a cold night, we still had approximately 100 members show up for Jeff, and our auction — or perhaps maybe just the cake — either way, it was a good night.

Next month, our guest speaker will be Joe Caparatta, owner of Manhattan Aquarium. Joe will be speaking on the “Triton Method” for reef tanks. Joe has spoken previously at BAS and has always been a great supporter of our Society.

Doors open at 7:30. As always, there’s free parking and refreshments.

Remember, we can always use help. If anyone wants to help out in any way, please let us know. See me personally or any officer or board member. If anyone has any topics they want to hear expert speakers on, or any specific speaker, please tell us that also.

We would like to thank our members and our sponsors for their constant generous donations that keep us going. Anyone who has any aquatic items, supplies or equipment, and that would include healthy livestock of fish, corals or plants, we always welcome the donation.

Thanks and see you next month!

Steven Matassa

President’s Message – December 2015

Dear Aquarist,

Another year has come and gone in our club, and we still see so many familiar faces, and of course so many new ones, as our club continues to grow. We still maintain as the largest and oldest aquarium society in the country – thanks to our dedicated members.
December’s event was our Holiday Party at the Seaport Buffet Chinese Restaurant in Sheepshead Bay. We decided to try something different this year; normally, we would all cook or bring food, dessert or non-alcoholic drinks to share with fellow members, family and friends. We thought we would try to give the chefs and cooks a break this year by dining out. We had over 60 members attend to enjoy the many varieties of foods, sushi and desserts. Everyone had a good time. It is always fun to reminisce among friends and talk about our favorite subject – tropical fish. It is even better when we can do that along with eating and drinking delicious and never ending gourmet cuisine. I think everyone truly enjoyed themselves.
In January, our guest speaker will be Jeff Bollbach. Jeff’s topic for the evening will be “Getting Rich Breeding Fish.” Sound interesting: making money from breeding fish, instead of costing us money? This certainly caught my interest.
As always, we will have free parking and refreshments. We also have a sales table for our new shirts, hats and club patch. Don’t forget our livestock auction and used aquatic equipment display for your perusal.
Doors open at 7:30 PM

We can always use help at our meetings, so anyone willing to pitch in, please let us know. We always are looking for your input, so if you have any ideas please let us know that as well.
Our local stores keep our club going with very generous donations, so please patronize these establishments and show your BAS membership card. These stores give discounts to BAS members. Check our web site or our publications (The Bulletin and Aquatica) for a list of our sponsors.  You can also pick up a sheet of coupons at the next meeting.
Hope to see you in January and have a good holiday.


Steven Matassa

President’s Message – November 2015

Dear Aquarist,

Our November auction was another big hit, with a great presentation from our speaker Mark Denaro on “Fishes for the Reef Aquarium.” Our members really enjoyed his talk. The weather was great and we had a “standing room only” crowd. With over 200 bags of livestock and lots of aquarium related supplies, aquariums and other aquatic products for sale, we all stayed late and enjoyed a successful night.

We awarded our photo contest prizes at this meeting. There were some terrific photos to match the great prizes. Every year it gets better because this year we had more entries than last year’s contest. Check out our web site for the winning photos.  I’m sure you’ll agree that our members submitted some excellent, professional quality pictures.

Remember, if not for our local pet store sponsors, BAS would not be able to survive, so please patronize our loyal sponsor stores because they keep us up and running.

Next month we will be having our holiday party at Seaport Buffet, Chinese Restaurant, in Sheepshead Bay on Friday, December 11th. Tickets are required in advance.  There will be no entry without one.  If you have not yet obtained your tickets, and want to attend, please contact Joe Graffagnino (see number below). Hope to see you there.

If any of our members have a topic they want to hear speakers talk on or have ideas about our events; we want to hear them. We need your feedback to keep our club going strong. Members can contact us at our hotline (718) 837-4455 or visit our web site where you can find our upcoming events or join our BAS Forum. The BAS Forum is a great place for your questions and answers, and to buy or sell aquarium items.

Members can also bring up new ideas at our board meeting on the first Friday of the month in the NY Aquarium Education Hall. If you want to attend a board meeting to help out or just to express your thoughts; you are always welcome. Please call Joe Graffagnino (718) 238-1792. You must call by the Tuesday previous to the meeting. The next board meeting is December 4, 2015. Hope to see you there.

Steven Matassa

President’s Message – October 2015

Dear Aquarist,

Our October giant auction has come and gone. Even though we had a rainy night, that did not keep our members home. We had a great turnout, with plenty of fish and supplies for sale.

We had a busy night with over 200 bags of fish, plants, marine fish and corals, all donated from local fish store sponsors and members. We had many rare and hard to find fish for our auction. The night was a great success.

Next month, we will have Bob Fenner speaking on reef stocking. Bob is a renowned author on saltwater, and we have been asking for him as a speaker for some time. We finally were able to pin him down and are looking forward to him to gracing our club with his pearls of wisdom. For all you reef enthusiasts – don’t miss him. We always have free parking and free refreshments, so mark your calendar. See you next month.

Remember, if it was not for our local pet store sponsors, BAS would not be able to survive, so please patronize our loyal sponsor stores because they keep us up and running.

Our photo contest has come to a close, so if you did not post any photos, plan for next year’s competition. We have been making announcements about our annual photo contest, which started in June and ended on October 18th. Winners will be named at our next meeting. As always, we have lots of great prizes, so hope you cleaned up those tanks and got your photos ready.

If any of our members have a topic they want to hear speakers give a presentation on or have ideas about our events, we want to hear them. We need your feedback to keep our club going strong. Members can contact us at our hotline (718) 837-4455 or visit our web site where you can find out about upcoming events or join our BAS forum. The forum is a great place for your questions and answers, and to buy or sell aquarium items.

Members can also bring up new ideas at our Board meeting on the first Friday of the month in the NY Aquarium Education Hall. If you want to attend a Board meeting to help out or just to talk about your ideas, you are always welcome. Please call Joe Graffagnino (718) 238-1792. You must call by the Tuesday previous to the meeting. The next board meeting is November 6, 2015. Hope to see you there.
Steven Matassa